Akshay Kumar, who’s become a much sought-after performer after his fantastic box office hits and the recently released Special 26, has become the top paid actor after the producers of the Thupakki remake decided to pay him a fee of Rs. 50 crore!
Sources report that the producers of the movie were so keen on roping him in for the remake that they decided without hesitation to pay the price that the Khiladi was demanding. Incidentally, the amount that Akshay Kumar is charging is more than what Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan demand, which is close to Rs. 30-40 crores.
Akshay Kumar has always demanded a higher payment than his competitors. The actor whose birthday is on Sept . 9 has always charged a fee that added up to number 9. Like Rs 27 crore or Rs 45 crore but now he’s shattered his own rule. Who knows 50+ might become his favourite number.